Light Bulb 전구 1975 Wooden Table·Light Bulb·Cord 테이블 클로스·나무 테이블·전구·전선 채색 114.0×85.0×76.0cm
Circumstances 상황 1971 Installation cotton cloth 천 300.0×200.0×160.0cm
A Meditation Clause 매개항 1971 Cloth·Water·Stone 천·물·돌 Installation 500.0×700.0×30.0cm
A Meditation Clause 매개항 1972 Cloth·Dirt·Rope 천·흙·로프 Installation 400.0×400.0×100.0cm
Circumstances 상황 1971 Log and Cotton Cloth 나무·천·Installation 247.0×247.0×230.0cm(파리비엔날레 출품작)
Electric Art A 1969 Plastic on Panel 181.6×181.6×17.0cm(서울시립미술관 작품소장)
Electric Art B 1969 Plastic on Panel 203.9×203.9×17.0cm(서울시립미술관 작품소장)
Space Construction A 공간구조 A 1968 Plastic·Vinyl on Wood Panel 180.0×180.0×18cm
Death of Sun2 11-64 태양의 죽음2 11-64 1964 Oil on Wood Panel 91.0×75.0cm(국립현대미술관 작품소장)
Death of Sun1 5-64 태양의 죽음1 5-64 1964 Oil on Wood Panel 106.0×91.0cm(Tate mordern collection 테이트모던 작품소장)